Pdf Form Calculated Field

  1. Calculated Fields Form Wordpress
  2. Access Calculated Field In Form
  3. Pdf Form Calculated Field Excel

Sep 18, 2015  Add basic calculations to PDF forms using Acrobat DC Learn how to add form fields that automatically calculate values, including addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. Below are the steps used to setup the calculation function within a PDF document. Adding Calculations to Forms. Open the document that you wish to add calculations to; Make sure you are in the Form Field editing mode. On the menu bar select Forms-Create/Edit Form; Make sure to create all of the Text Fields that you need in the document first. Calculated fields can be defined using Adobe Sign text tags, using the Adobe Sign web application, or using PDF form fields. When using the Adobe Sign text tags or PDF form fields to define calculated fields, the expression for the calculation is defined using a directive called “calc”. Jun 05, 2014  Below are the steps used to setup the calculation function within a PDF document. Adding Calculations to Forms. Open the document that you wish to add calculations to; Make sure you are in the Form Field editing mode. On the menu bar select Forms-Create/Edit Form; Make sure to create all of the Text Fields that you need in the document first.

Calculated fields are part of Advanced forms, and as such, are included only with the business and enterprise levels of service.

Adobe Sign provides the ability to dynamically update the fields in a document (agreement) based on the data entered by the signer when the agreement is signed. This can be done using Calculated Fields. You can use calculated fields to set up rules within a document (or a document template) before sending it out for signature. These rules get processed when the signer interacts with the document and dynamically update the document based on the fields/values.

Calculated fields can be defined within documents using any of the following mechanisms:

  • Adobe Sign form authoring environment
  • Adobe Sign text tags (See the Text Tag Documentation for more details.)
  • Adobe Acrobat PDF Form Fields (See the Creating Forms within Acrobat Reference Guide for more details.)

Calculated fields can be used for any scenarios where the document needs to be dynamically updated at time of signing. Below are a few sample use cases where calculated fields can be used. These use cases are for illustration purpose only.

1. Setting up an Order Form—Calculated fields can be used to set up an order form in which the signer has the option to select from a list of available items and specify a quantity. Selecting an item from the list automatically updates the form with the price for the selected item. The quantity selected by the signer also results in the total cost of the item being calculated automatically. The form can also incorporate additional calculations for determining total tax due on the order or calculating a volume discount based on the business rules for offering discounts to customers.

2. Automatically populating contract term expiration date—For agreements that allow customers to choose the length of term of the contract at time of signing (6 months, 12 months, 24 months, etc.), a calculated field can be used to automatically populate the end date for the contract based on the selection made by the customer at time of signing the contract.

3. Sign up forms with multiple choices—A calculated field can be used to set up sign-up forms (such as membership forms) where the person signing the form can choose from a set of available options. The choices made by the signer can drive other dynamic aspects of forms, such as the terms the signer is agreeing to, the duration of the contract, and also the total cost.

Any form field, checkbox field or radio button field in an Adobe Sign form can be marked as a calculated field. At time of signing, the signer cannot directly enter a value into a field designated as a calculated field, the value of the field gets automatically calculated based on the rules defined in the form.

A calculated field definition consists of two parts: the expression and the format



Defines the formula/rule on how the value of the designated field gets calculated. Adobe Sign evaluates the expression at time of signing and the resulting value is displayed in the field.



The resulting value of a calculated field can also be formatted as a date, number, or currency by specifying a format.

Calculated fields can be defined using Adobe Sign text tags, using the Adobe Sign web application, or using PDF form fields. When using the Adobe Sign text tags or PDF form fields to define calculated fields, the expression for the calculation is defined using a directive called “calc”. Formatting of the calculated field can be specified using a directive called “format”.


{{someCalculatedField_es_:signer1:calc(someExpn):format(formatType, someFormat)}}

This example shows text tags being used to define a field within a document called “someCalculatedField”. This field is assigned to the recipient identified as signer1. The value of this field is calculated based on the formula specified in “someExpn”. The type of the resulting value is specified by the parameter “formatType” and formatted based on the format defined as “someFormat”.

The Adobe Sign web application’s authoring environment provides a fully functional expression builder for defining formulas for calculated fields. See Using Expression Builder For Specifying Calculated Fields for more details on building expressions.

The expression defines the formula/rule for determining the value of the calculated field. An expression can consist of one or more of the following elements:


Specifies an actual value that gets used as part of the expression. Expressions can be string values, numbers, or dates. For example:

  • {{helloField_es_:signer1:calc(“Hello”)}} – This literal sets the value of the field called “helloField” to Hello.
  • {{numField_es_:signer1:calc(10)}} – This literal sets the value of the field called “numField” to 10.
  • {{date_es_:isdate(format='mmm d, yyyy')}} - This literal includes a comma, which is a special delimiter. For the comma to be part of the formatted string, the expression must be cast as a literal value.

Strings that need to be included in an expression must be surrounded in quotes (either double (') or single (')). If the resulting value needs to include a quote (either a single quote or a double quote), this can be achieved by using a back slash () to close the quote.

Important Note: For all examples going forward, only the expression will be shown, the complete syntax for the text tag will not be shown.


Operators are used to perform one or more operations as part of the expression. For example:

6 + 4 – This operator results in the value of 10 being populated in the calculated field.

5/22/2016 - 3 – This operator results in the value of 5/19/2016 being populated in the calculated field.

See Supported Operators for a list of the operators supported within expressions.


Existing fields within a document can be used to define an expression by referring to the field by its name. The fields can be Adobe Sign fields (such as: Signature, Date Field, Signer Name, Signer Company, etc.) or fields defined within the document or other calculated fields. For example:

price * quantity – This expression references two other fields within the document called “price” and “quantity”. The result of the multiplication of the values of these two fields will be populated in the Calculated Field.

signerName & “employee of “ & signerCompany – This expression references two fields within the document “signerName” and “signerCompany” which get pre-populated by Adobe Sign if available and concatenates them together. If the signer’s name is “Casey Jones” and the signer’s company is “Acme Corp”, this expression will result in a value of “Casey Jones employee of Acme Corp” being populated in the calculated field.

If a field name contains a space, the field name must be placed within a square bracket ([]) to be able to reference it in an expression. For example [field name with spaces] will reference a field in the document called “field name with spaces”.


Expressions can also include one or more functions from the Adobe Sign list of supported functions. The specified functions get evaluated during the agreement signing process and the resulting value gets displayed in the calculated field. For example:

dateAdd(d, signedDate, 3)– This expression uses the “dateAdd' function and specifies adding 3 days to the date on which this agreement gets signed. So if the document gets signed on 5/22/2016, the resulting value of the expression will be 5/25/2016.

See Supported Functions for a list of functions supported within expressions.

The following operators are supported in calculated fields.


Add two numbers together.


Subtracts two numbers.


Divides two numbers.


Multiplies two numbers together.


Concatenate two strings together.


Equals. Compares two values and returns true if the two values are equal and false if they are not.


Not Equals. Compares two values and returns true if the two values are not equal and false if they are.


Less Than. Compares two values and returns Boolean (true or false) if the first value is less than the second value.


Greater than or Equals. Compares two values and returns Boolean (true or false) if the first value is greater than or equal to the second value.


Less Than or Equals. Compares two values and returns Boolean (true or false) if the first value is less than or equal to the second value.


Greater than. Compares two values and returns Boolean (true or false) if the first value is greater than the second value.


Modulo Operator. Returns the remainder of the division between two numbers.


Exponent Operator. Returns the exponential value of the specified numbers.

The following functions are supported when specifying expressions within a calculated field.






Returns the absolute value of the number “number1”.



Round up the number “number1”.



Round down the number “number1”.



Round the number “number1” to nearest integer.



Returns the smaller of the two numbers “number1” and “number2”.



Returns the larger of the two numbers “number1” and “number2”.

datePart(part, date)


Returns the part of the date specified by the first argument as an integer. For example: datePart(m, 5/22/2016) will return the 5, the month part of the date.

See Accepted Values for Portions of Dates below for information on the acceptable values for part attribute.

dateAdd(part, date, addition)


Adds the specified number of parts (e.g., 'd' for day, 'm' for month, or 'y' for year) to a date to calculate a future date. You may use numbers or field names.

For example: dateAdd('m', 'Jan 1, 2016', 3) would return a date of Apr 1, 2016. In this example, the formula adds 3 months to the date specified.

dateDiff(part, date1, date2)


Returns the number of parts (e.g., 'd' for days, 'h' for hours, or 'n' for minutes) between two dates. You may use numbers or field names.

For example: dateDiff('d', 'Jan 1, 2016', 'Jan 2, 2016') would return a value of 1 to represent 1 day between January 1st and January 2nd.

daysIn(part, date)


Returns the number of days contained in the part (e.g., 'd' for day, 'm' for month, or 'y' for year) for the date specified. You may use numbers or field names.

For example: daysIn('m', 'Feb 1, 2016”) returns a value 29 for the days in February 2016 and daysIn('y', '02/01/2015') returns 365 for the days in 2015.



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Convert a string value such as '1/1/2016' into a date object that can be used in other functions.



Return the date and time when the formula was evaluated, most often when the eSign page is loaded.

if(logical_test, value_if_true, value_if_false)


Evaluates 'logical_test'. The “logical_test” can be another expression. If it is TRUE, it returns the value specified in the 'value_if_true'. If it is FALSE it returns the value of 'value_if_false'. Both the “value_if_true” and “value_if_false” attributes can also be expressions.

For example: if (1>0, 'Correct', 'Incorrect') would return 'Correct'.

and(logical1, logical2, ..)


Returns true only if all the logical arguments evaluate to TRUE. Otherwise it returns false.

For example: and (1>0, 2>1) would return 'true' and (1>0, 2=1) would return 'false'.

or(logical1, logical2, ..)


Returns true if any of the logical arguments (logical1, logical2,..) evaluate to TRUE. If all the logical arguments are evaluated to FALSE, it returns false.

For example: or (1>0, 2>1) will return 'true'. or (1>0, 2=1) will return 'false'.



Returns the opposite value of 'logical'. So if 'logical' is evaluated as FALSE, it returns true. If it is evaluated as TRUE, it returns false. For example: not (1>0) would return 'false'.
lookup(sourceField,('value1=return1,value2=return2', 'default_value')Logic

Evaluates a source field 'return value' (used in dropboxes and radio buttons) to populate a default value into the calculated field, based on a list of possible values.

For example: lookup(stateField, “CA=California,UT=Utah,MA=Massachusetts,WA=Washington”,”None”)

Would return California if stateField was CA, or Utah is stateField was UT, etc. If no match is found, it would return None.

The following values can be used in date related functions when specifying the portion of the date on which the function should operate.


Portion of the date to which the function will apply















In addition to specifying the expression for a calculated field the output value can also be formatted. The output can be formatted as text (the default) or formatted as a number or a date.

When used with text tags, the format directive takes two arguments: FormatType and Format.


Specifies the type of value the calculated field represents. Accepted values for this parameter are: number and date.


Specifies the structure of the output value to be placed in the calculated field.

The following characters can be used to specify the formatting of an output in the form of a number

Format Character



(Underscore.) Represents any digit placeholder.


Represents any digit placeholder.


Location of a mandatory decimal point (or locale-appropriate symbol).


Located to the left or right of a mandatory decimal point. Pads with zeros.

( )

If number is less than zero, puts parentheses around the mask.


Places a plus sign before positive number; a minus sign before negative number.


Places a space before positive number; a minus sign before negative number.


Separates every third decimal place with a comma (or locale-appropriate separator character).


Places a dollar sign (or locale-appropriate symbol) before formatted number. When specified it must be the first character for the format string.


Converts the number value in the field into a percentage. Multiplies it by 100 and puts the

% sign at the end. When specified it must be the last character of the format string.

The following characters can be used to specify the formatting of an output in the form of a date.





The seconds of the minute between 0-59.

'0' to '59'


The seconds of the minute with leading zero if required.

'00' to '59'


The minute of the hour between 0-59.

'0' or '59'


The minute of the hour with leading zero if required.

'00' or '59'


The hour of the day between 1-12.

'1' to '12'


The hour of the day with leading zero if required.

'01' to '12'


The hour of the day between 0-23.

'0' to '23'


The hour of the day with leading zero if required.

'00' to '23'


The day of the month between 1 and 31.

'1' to '31'


The day of the month with leading zero if required.

'01' to '31'


Abbreviated day name.

'Mon' to 'Sun'


The full day name.

'Monday' to 'Sunday'


The month of the year between 1-12.

'1' to '12'


The month of the year with leading zero if required.

'01' to '12'


Abbreviated month name.

'Jan' to 'Dec'


The full month name.

'January' to 'December'

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The year as a two-digit number.

'99' or '15'


The full four digit year.

'1999' or '2015'


Displays the first character of the A.M./P.M. designator.

'A' or 'P'


Displays the A.M./P.M. designator.

'AM' or 'PM'

The following examples show how to format date and number calculated fields.

  • A Calculated Field formatted as a date:

{{myField_es_:calc(otherDateField + 3):format(date, 'mmm dd, yyyy')}}

The output will be something like “May 22, 2016”.

  • A Calculated Field formatted as a number.

{{myTax_es_:calc(total * taxrate):format(number, '$,.00') }}

The output will be something like “$1,987.65”.

Using Expression Builder to Specify Calculated Fields

Calculated fields can be specified through the Adobe Sign authoring environment. The steps below will guide you through the steps of defining a calculated field once you are in the authoring environment.

1. Drag-and-drop a field in the document. Double click on the field that you just added to bring up the field properties dialog. Give the field an appropriate name. Change the Value Type attribute using the drop-down list to be of type Calculated Value. This indicates that the field value will be determined based on a calculation at time of signing.

2. Type the calculation expression in the text field called Formula or click on the function button ( fx ) to bring up the Expression Builder.

3. Use the Expression Builder to define the expression for the calculated field (see Figure below). The Expression Area at the top shows the formula that will be used to calculate the value of the field. You can type the formula into the Expression Area or use the authoring environment to construct the formula. The Expression Builder provides a list of all the available Functions, a list of existing form Fields in the document, and a list of supported Operators to assist in the construction of expressions. You can add a Field or a Function to a formula by double clicking on the item in the List Area in the Expression Builder. You can also add Operators to the expression by clicking on the specific operator in the Operators List.

4. Once you have finished defining the expression, you can check the syntax of the expression by clicking the Check Syntax button then saving the changes.

5. Set the type of the calculated fields using the Display As drop-down list.

6. If your Display As value is Date or Number, set the field value Date/Number Format using the drop-down list. You can also select Custom formatting to define a custom formatting for the field.

  • {{shipState_es_:signer1:calc([billingState]):showif(sameAs=unchecked)}}
    • A field in the document assigned to the first signer that will only be displayed when another field (a check box) called “sameAs” is unchecked. The value of the field is automatically populated with the value of the field “billingState” that the signer has entered in the document.
  • {{total_es_:signer1:calc(q1*pr1):format(Number,”$,0.00”):align(right)}}
    • A field in the document assigned to the first signer. Its value gets automatically calculated as the product of the values in fields “q1” and “pr1”. The resulting value is formatted as currency and displayed with a dollar ($) symbol in front of the resulting value and containing two decimal points. The resulting value is also aligned right aligned within the field.
  • price_es_:signer1:calc(if(pn1=”W1”,9.99,if(pn1=”W2”,5.99,if(pn1=”W3”,24.99,0))))}
    • A field in the document called “price” which gets calculated based on the value selected by the signer in another fields “pn1” in the document. In this example if field “pn1” equals W1 the value displayed in the “price” field is 9.99, if field “pn1” equals W2 the value displayed in the “price” field is 5.99 and so on. If none of the values match the value of the field “pn1” the value displayed in “price” is 0. Using this mechanism, calculated fields can be used to automatically populate the price of an item based on the selection that a signer has made during signing.


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Form field properties
Add tooltips, date and time, calculated valuesPDF form field basicsSet action buttons in PDF formsCheck PDF Forms FAQ

This document explains the PDF form field properties in Acrobat DC. (If you are looking for more information on form fields properties, click the appropriate link above)

How a form field behaves is determined by settings in the Properties dialog box for that individual field. You can set properties that apply formatting, determine how the form field information relates to other form fields, impose limitations on what the user can enter in the form field, trigger custom scripts, and so on.

You can set various properties for an Acrobat form field, depending on the form field type. The properties for each type of form field are selected on a series of tabs. When you change a property, it is applied as soon as you select another property or press Enter.

All types of form fields have a General tab and an Actions tab. Other tabs appear only in specific types of form fields. The Options tab appears for most form field types but the options available are unique to each type of form field.

Two items are available on every tab. If you select one on any tab, a check mark will appear, and the option will be checked on all tabs. These are:

Calculated Fields Form Wordpress


When selected, prevents any further changes to any form field properties.


Closes the form field Properties dialog box. If you are changing the properties of multiple fields, you can leave the Properties dialog box open. Click each field to change its properties.


If you select Locked on any tab, it locks all options forthe field, not just the options on that tab.

You can access form field properties only when you are in editing mode. You can change the properties for multiple form fields at a time.

  1. If you are not in form editing mode, choose Tools > Prepare Form.

  2. Open the Properties dialog box using one of the followingmethods:
    • To edit a single form field, double-click it or right-click it and choose Properties.

    • To edit multiple form fields, select the fields that you want to edit, right-click one of the selected fields, and choose Properties.

  3. Change the properties on each of the available tabs,as needed.

    The property is changed as soon as you select anotherproperty or press Enter.

If you select form fields that have different propertyvalues, some options in the Properties dialog box are not available.Otherwise, changes to the available options are applied to all selectedform fields.


To avoid accidental changesto the form field, select Locked in the lower-left corner of theProperties dialog box before you close it. To unlock, click theoption again.

The General tab appears for all types of formfields and includes the following options:

Specifies the unique name of the selected form field.

Displays text that the hesitant user may find helpful infilling in the form field. Tooltips appear when the pointer hoversbriefly over the form field.

Specifies whether the form field can be seen, either on screenor in print. The choices are: Visible, Hidden, Visible But Doesn’tPrint, and Hidden But Printable.

Rotates the form field by 0, 90, 180, or 270 Degrees

Prevents the user from changing the form field content.

Forces the user to fill in the selected form field. If theuser attempts to submit the form while a required field is blank,an error message appears and the empty required form field is highlighted.

Appearance properties determine how the formfield looks on the page. The Appearance tab appears for all typesof form fields except barcodes, and includes the following options:

Opens a color picker in which you can select a color swatchfor the frame surrounding the field. To leave the field withouta frame, select No Color.

Specifies the width of the frame surrounding the form field: Thin,Medium, or Thick.

Opens a color picker in which you can select a color swatchfor the background behind the field. To leave the field uncolored,select No Color.

note: A FillColor choice other than No Color willblock any images on the PDF page that are behind the form field.

Alters the appearance of the frame. Select Solid, Dashed,Beveled, Inset, or Underline.

Access Calculated Field In Form

Sets the size of user-entered text or of the selection markerfor radio buttons and check boxes. The choices include Auto, variouspreset values, and typing in a different value. If you select Autofor a text field, as the user types, the font size changes to fitthe text in the box.

Opens a color picker in which you can select a color swatchfor the text or selection marker.

Lists the fonts available on your computer. This option isnot available for form fields that do not display text.


TheEnable Right-To-Left Language Options in the Language panel of the Preferencesdialog box affects what appears in the Appearance tab of the Properties dialogbox. When that preference is selected, the Appearance tab includesoptions for changing the digit style and text direction for textfields, drop-down list boxes, and list boxes.

The Position tab lets you position or size the currently selected field or fields. You can move fields to the location you specify on the page. Use the Height and Width options to change only the size of fields. To move fields without resizing them, choose Do Not Change Height And Width When Changing The Position.

The options available on this tab change accordingto the type of form field selected. The Options tab appears forall form field types except digital signatures.

The Options tab for barcode field propertiescontains the following:

Includes the PDF417, QR Code, and DataMatrix barcode types.

note: If your organizationprocesses forms by multiple methods, select the method that accommodatesthe lowest quality barcode images. For example, if forms will be returnedby fax and mail, choose Fax Server as thedecode condition to ensure high read rates on all forms.

Specifies that data will be compressed before it is encoded. Data is compressed with the Flat compression method. Compressed data usually requires less storage space in the barcode, allowing more data to be stored. In general, select this option if you will use the Acrobat barcode forms decoder to interpret the returned data. Do not select this option if you will use a handheld barcode scanner, because most of these cannot decode compressed data.

The preset decode conditions represent recommended starting points that you can adjust by clicking the Custom button.

Opens a dialog box in which you can select custom processingparameters that are best for your specific scanning and faxing hardware.(The available options vary according to barcode types.)

Width, in mils (1 mil = 0.001 inch or 0.0254mm), of the cell.

Height/width ratio of the cell. For example, for a data cellthat is twice as high as it is wide, enter 2. (Available only forPDF417 barcodes.)

note: If you are planning to decode the barcodeusing a handheld laser scanner, avoid creating barcodes wider than4 inches (10.2 cm). Taller and narrower barcodes generally workbetter with handheld scanners. Barcode height and width will notbe an issue if you are using an Adobe barcode decoder (availableseparately).

Corresponds to the level of data redundancy that is addedto the barcode to correct any potential decoding errors. Higherlevels provide more redundancy and a more robust barcode that willgenerate more successful decode results. However, higher levelswill also result in a larger barcode and a reduced ability to encodeuser-supplied or form structure data into the barcode. A more robustbarcode can reduce problems created by pen marks, poor print quality,degradation caused by fax transmission, or folds in the document.This option is available for PDF417 and QR Code barcodes.

Enables you to save your custom barcode selections in a file.You can then export the file and make it available to other form authorsin your organization.

Specifies the shape of the marker that appears inside the check box when the user selects it: Check (the default), Circle, Cross, Diamond, Square, or Star. This property does not alter the shape of the check box itself.

Note: The size of the marker inside the check box is determined by the size of the font you specify in the Appearance tab.

Specifies a value to represent the item if the data willbe exported. If left blank, the entry for Name in the General tabis used as the export value.

Shows the check box selected unless the user deselects it.

Foreither dropdown boxes or list boxes, you use the Options tab tocreate a list of items from which the user selects.

Althoughmost of the properties on this tab are common to both these typesof form fields, a few are exclusive to one type or the other.

Accepts the text that you type for options that you wantto appear in the menu for the field.

Moves the current entry in Item to the Item List.

Where you type in a value to represent the item if the datawill be exported. If left blank, the entry for Name in the Generaltab is used as the export value.

Displays the choices that will be available in the list.

note: Thehighlighted item in the Item List box appearsas the default selected item in the dropdown box or list box field.To change the default item, highlight another item from the list.

Change the order in which the items are listed in the drop-downlist. These buttons are not available if Sort Items isselected.

Removes the selected item from the list.

Arranges the listed items numerically and alphabetically.A numerical sort (if applicable) is performed before an alphabeticalsort.

(Dropdown only) Enables users to enter a value other thanthe ones in the list.

(Dropdown only) Checks the spelling of user-entered text.This option is applicable only if Allow User To EnterCustom Text is selected.

(List boxes only) Enables users to choose more than one itemin the list.

Saves the value as soon as the user selects it. If this optionis not selected, the value is saved only when the user tabs outof the current field or clicks another form field. For list boxesonly, this option is not available if Multiple Selection isselected.

Create a group of radio buttons if you wantthe user to select only one choice among a set of choices. All theradio buttons in a group have the same Name, but each button hasa different Button Value.

Specifies the shape of the marker that appears inside thebutton when the user selects it: Check, Circle (the default), Cross,Diamond, Square, or Star. This property does not alter the shapeof the radio button itself.

Identifies the radio button and differentiates it from other radiobuttons that have the same Name value.

Sets the selection state of the button when the user firstopens the form.

Buttons With The Same Name And Content Are SelectedIn Unison

Allows single-click selection of multiple related radio buttons.For example, if the user selects a radio button that has the samefield name and selected content as another, both radio buttons areselected.

Textfields accept user input, which can be alphabetic characters, numbers,or both.

Aligns the text left, right, or center within the field.

Specifies the text that appears until the user overwritesit by typing in the field. Enter the default value by typing inthis option.

Allows more than a single-line entry in the text field.

Compensates for text that extends beyond the boundariesof the text field.

Allows users to apply styling information to the text, suchas bold or italic. This might be useful in certain text fields wheresuch styling information is important to the meaning of the text,such as an essay.

Allows entries of up to the number of characters you specify.


If you entered a default value, that value is clipped to this limit.

Displays the user-entered text as a series of asterisks(*). This option is available only if Check Spelling isdeselected.

Allows the user to enter a file path as the field’s valuewhen a file is submitted along with the form. This option is availableonly when Scroll Long Text is the only selectedoption in the Options tab.

Checks the spelling of user-entered text.

Spreads the user-entered text evenly across the width of thetext field. If a border color is specified in the Appearance tab,each character entered in the field is separated by lines of thatcolor. This option is available only when no other check box isselected.

Actions properties specify any actions thatyou want to associate with the form field, such as jumping to aspecific page or playing a media clip. The Actions tab appears forall types of form fields and includes the following options:

Specifies the user action that initiates an action: MouseUp, Mouse Down, Mouse Enter, MouseExit, On Focus, or OnBlur.

Specifies the event that occurs when the user triggers theaction: Execute A Menu Item, GoTo A 3D/Multimedia View, Go To A PageView; Import Form Data, MultimediaOperation (Acrobat 9 and later), Open A File, Open A Web Link,Play A Sound, Play Media (Acrobat 5 Compatible), PlayMedia (Acrobat 6 And Later Compatible),Read An Article, Reset A Form, Run A JavaScript, SetLayer Visibility, Show/Hide A Field, and Submit A Form.

Opens a window for the selected action.

Displays the list of triggers and actions that you’ve defined.

Pdf Form Calculated Field Excel

Change the order in which the selected action appears listedunder the trigger. (Available only when you have defined multipleactions for the same trigger.)

Opens a dialog box with specific options for the selectedaction.

Removes the selected action or trigger-action pair.

The Calculate tab appears in the Propertiesdialog boxes for only text fields and dropdown boxes. Use theseoptions to perform mathematical operations on existing form fieldentries and display the result.

Select this if you want the user to type.

Select this to make further options available:

Lists the mathematical functions to apply to the selectedfields. Choose Sum to add the values entered in the selected fields,Product to multiply them, Average, Minimum, or Maximum.

Opens a dialog box with a list of the available fields inthe form that you select to add or deselect to remove from the calculation.

Uses JavaScript with field names and simple arithmetic signs. The Edit button opens a dialog box in which you can write, edit, and add scripts.

Displays any custom scripts you have added for calculations.The Edit button opens a dialog box in which you can write and add newJavaScripts.

Whenyou define two or more calculations in a form, the order in whichthey are carried out is the order in which you defined the calculations.In some cases, you may need to modify the calculation order to obtaincorrect results.

For example, if you wanted to use the resultobtained from calculating two form fields to calculate the valueof a third form field, the first two form fields must be calculatedtogether first to obtain the correct final results.

Acrobat automatically performs all assigned field calculations when you are creating and testing your form fields. For convenience, while you work, you can turn off automatic calculation in the forms preferences.

The Signed tab isavailable only in the Digital Signature Properties dialogbox. Selections made here determine what happens when the user appliesa digital signature to the form.

This is the default.

Prevents further changes to the digitally signed form, accordingto the selection in the pop-up menu:

Prevents any changes to any form field.

Allows changes only to the form fields you select by clickingthe Pick button and selecting check boxes for the fields that youwant the user to be able to edit after signing.

Prevents changes in only the form fields you pick.

Activates a custom JavaScript when the user digitally signs the form. Use the Edit button to change or create a new JavaScript action.

The Format tab appears in the Properties dialog box for only text form fields or dropdown form fields. The options that are available depend on your selection in the Select Format Categorypop-up menu.

The Example of Current Format field displays a live preview of the settings.

No additional options are available. The inputin a text or dropdown box with this property does not require anyspecific formatting.

Automatically imposes the selected formattingoptions on numeric data entries.

Sets the number of digits that appear to the right of thedecimal point.

Sets the placement of commas and periods.

Sets the type of currency, such as Euros, Dollars, or Yen.

Sets the location of the currency symbol in relation to the number.This field is enabled if a currency symbol is selected.

Sets how negative numbers are displayed. You can choose ShowParentheses, Use Red Text, neither, or both.

Automatically imposes the selected formattingoptions on numeric data expressed as a percentage.

Sets the number of digits that appear to the right of thedecimal point

Sets the placement of commas and periods.

List includes one-, two-, and four-digit variationswhere d stands for the day, m stands for month, and y standsfor year.

List includes display variations where h standsfor the hour on a 12-hour clock, H stands for the hour ona 24-hour clock, MM stands for minutes, ss standsfor the seconds, and tt stands for AM or PM.

For a five-digit U.S. postal code.

For a nine-digit U.S. postal code.

For a ten-digit telephone number.

For a nine-digit U.S. Social Security Number.Hyphens are inserted automatically after the third and fifth digits.

Changes the format category to Custom and makes another textfield available, in which you can type a custom format. Use thisoption to specify which types of characters the user can enter inany given position, and how the data displays in the field.

Accepts only letters (A–Z, a-z).

Accepts spaces and most printable characters, including allcharacters available on a standard keyboard and ANSI charactersin the ranges of 32–126 and 128–255.

The letter “O” accepts alphanumeric characters (A–Z, a-z,and 0–9).

Accepts only numeric characters (0–9).

For example,a mask setting of AAA--p#999 accepts the input BOE--p#767. A masksetting of OOOOO@XXX accepts the input vad12@3Up.

Makes additional options available to formdesigners who want to write their own JavaScripts for formattingand keystrokes. For example, a custom script could define a newcurrency format or limit the user entry to specific keystroke characters.

Displays any custom scripts you have added for formats. TheEdit button opens a dialog box in which you can write and add newscripts.

Displays any custom scripts you have added to validate keystrokes.The Edit button opens a dialog box in which you can write and addnew scripts.

To get the JavaScript for AcrobatAPI Reference, see the Acrobat DeveloperCenter at www.adobe.com/go/learn_acr_javascript_en (PDF,English only).

The Validation tabappears only in the Text Field Properties and Dropdown box Propertiesdialog boxes. Validation properties restrict entries to specifiedranges, values, or characters, ensuring that users enter the appropriatedata for a specified form field.

Turns off validation.

Sets a numeric range for form fields using values you enterin either as a number or a percentage.

Validates by a JavaScript that you create or provide.

The Value tab appears for barcode form fieldsonly.

Activates these options:

Encodes the data into the barcode in standard XFDF format.JavaScript script is automatically generated.

Encodes the fields into the barcode as tab-delimited values. JavaScriptscript is automatically generated. If the form is configured tooutput the data in individual XFDF or XDP files, the data must bein a tab-delimited format with the field names in the first line.This option is also useful if you want to fit more data into a barcodeor if you intend to copy the data into database or spreadsheet tables.

Opens a dialog box in which you select which user data fieldswill be encoded in the barcode for you to retrieve.

(Available only when Tab Delimited encodingis selected.) Encodes field names as the first line of the barcodecontents. The values are encoded under them.

Displays the default script. Click the Edit button to open the JavaScript Editor dialog box, in which you can write custom calculation scripts for your barcode.

Shows the path to the PDF form. You can edit this by typingin the URL to the published form. Later, you can re-create a digital versionof the completed form by merging the form template with an instanceof user-supplied data. You can also maintain the relationship betweena specific form template and its related barcode data files. Whenyou encode a barcode using XML values, the URL reference is encodedinto the barcode and is displayed on the form, below the barcode.

You can save, reuse, and share a set of customsettings for barcode parameters, to apply them when you create newbarcode form fields. You can make further adjustments to your customparameter sets after you define them.

All of these processesbegin by opening the barcode form field properties dialog box. Toopen the properties dialog box, double-click the barcode field.

The newly defined parameter set appears in the list inthe Manage Barcode Parameters dialog box,and all the buttons on the right side of the dialog box become available.The new definition also appears in the Decode Condition menuin the Options tab of the Barcode Field Properties dialogbox.

After you change properties for a specific type of form field, you can set those properties as the default set for that type. For example, you can create a checkbox, change its properties, and then save the properties as the default values. The default values can be only for Appearance and Size related attributes of the field. Properties for format related attributes like Date cannot be set as default.


Changing the default properties does not change the settings for existing form fields of that type. The new defaults apply only to new fields that you create.

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